Craigville Theological Colloquy
Colloquy 2024
July 8 - 12
Ecotheology: Christian Responses To The Global Climate Crisis
Location: Craigville Retreat Center
IDuring the 2024 Colloquy, our time together will consider one of the most pressing global issues — the climate.
Looking through the lenses of Christian faith experiences, spirituality in various forms, theology, biblical interpretation, science, activism, and more, we seek to engage with the climate crisis in ways that will be helpful for clergy & laypeople, congregations & communities, people of many backgrounds, other living creatures, the habitats and eco-systems that we share and the Earth itself.
Using the word crisis intentionally acknowledges what many concerned in the world are declaring: that our only home, the Earth, has troubles and we must identify and implement ways to make positive and tangible impacts. As people of faith, this crisis also is a spiritual matter and imperative for us to address.
Every summer on Cape Cod, the Craigville Theological Colloquy draws pastors, teachers, seminarians and lay leaders for a week of theological conversation and Bible reflection on a subject of importance.
Broadly ecumenical, Craigville is a rare opportunity for rest, renewal and inspiration. Located in a secluded 19th-century village overlooking Nantucket Sound, the Colloquy continues a tradition that began in 1872 when Christian churches in New England founded Craigville as a summer revival camp.
The Colloquy is part conference, part retreat, and part vacation. The event begins and concludes with an ecumenical celebration of the Eucharist, and each day is framed with meditative services of morning and night prayer. Taizé Vespers Wednesday night is an opportunity for song and silence. Vigorous hymn-singing supported by professional musicians is part of our tradition. Afternoons are free to explore Cape Cod or enjoy the famous Craigville Beach.
Craigville is child-friendly, and families often include Craigville in their summer vacation plans. Supervised children activities are provided Tuesday through Thursday morning. The Craigville Retreat Center is an Open and Affirming* ministry that welcomes all.
A Certificate of Continuing Education (CEU) is available for participants.
* “Open and Affirming” is a designation in the United Church of Christ for ministries that are LGBTQ-affirming.
The first colloquy in 1984 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1934 Barmen Theological Declaration, an act of resistance by Protestant pastors in Germany to the Nazi government’s attempts to subvert and control the church. The colloquy explored how the Declaration is relevant to the contemporary church.
The Colloquy is led by a grassroots planning team of clergy and lay people representing several Christian traditions. Presenters have included Catherine LaCugna (Roman Catholic), David Bentley Hart (Eastern Orthodox), Bishop Dwayne Royster (UCC), Ellen Charry (Episcopal), Mark Swanson (ELCA), Ron Cole-Turner (UCC), Marva Dawn (ELCA), Martin Copenhaver (UCC), Linda Hartke (ELCA), Gabriel Fackre (UCC) and Lee Barrett (UCC).